Our Roots

Our roots go back to 2011 when a group of Canadians in Calgary formed the C.A.S.A.  Caring Abroad Society of Alberta. This group began a mission to keep the memory of Connor Vanderveen alive by building a facility to support the needs of children with disabilities. The goal was to build Casa Connor  and partner with an established registered charity in Jalisco, Mexico that had a like mission. The registered charity in Mexico is a Civil Association that offers services to children with severe psychological and/or physical disabilities. The Canadian group successfully built a 22,000 square foot building named Casa Connor. The facility was donated to the charity “Mothers United for the Rehabilitation of their children AC.” (Mamás Unidas por la Rehabilitación de sus Hijos A. C.) More commonly, it is called Pasitos de Luz which means “Little Steps of Light”.

From that time, many of our  Canadian volunteers have provided expertise, hands-on help and leadership.  We have committed to help children with disabilities whose families  live on the poverty line with access to needed services. In addition, an annual event supported and organized by Canadians has been held in Canada (Calgary, Alberta). Both volunteering  on-site at Casa Connor and the fundraiser in Canada have been spearheaded by C.A.S.A.  Caring Abroad Society of Alberta and, more recently, a group of supporters Friends of Casa Connor. These entities have evolved to become Mexico’s Canadian Angels Foundation, which was incorporated as a federal not-for-profit in 2021. The Canadians provide much needed expertise and work closely and with the intermediary charity Pasitos de Luz at Casa Connor located in Mexico to help the children and their families. Since 2011, a number of fundraisers run in Mexico for Pasitos de Luz have been organized and coordinated by the now president of MCA Mexico’s Canadian Angels Foundation. All the MCA directors have been involved in the Canadian fundraiser as well as in creating and advancing the vision for the future. Read more about our mission


Over time the Mexican charity, Pasitos de Luz, with the help of MCA Mexico’s Canadian Angels Foundation, has grown and the initial support systems have been broadened. Since its inception, the number of children served has increased, particularly since the opening of Casa Connor. The facility was donated to Pasitos de Luz in October 2016 and has allowed for expansion of offerings and an increase in the services and programs. The facility was built entirely through Canadian support. An addition  of a hydrotherapy pool and dormitories were more recently completed largely due to the connections, support, and expertise of Canadians on Pasitos de Luz/Casa Connor  board of directors including MCA directors.

The number of Canadian donors interested in directly helping and serving children and youth in Mexico with disabilities has also increased and despite Pasitos de Luz’s operations continuing to grow, there remains a significant number of children with disabilities who are not receiving any support or specialized care. Due to this increased need, MCA Mexico’s Canadian Angels Foundation incorporated as a federal not-for-profit corporation in 2021 and subsequently applied for and received registered charity status to directly offer support and specialized care to children and youth with disabilities in Mexico.

After providing many years of support to the work of Pasitos de Luz, MCA is now in a position to carry out activities at Casa Connor directly, in cooperation  with Pasitos de Luz, to provide increased access to the many youth and children with disabilities that are currently not being served.   MCA will work with Pasitos de Luz to carry out initiatives in Mexico under the direction and control of MCA with the intent that this will allow for many more youth and children with disabilities to receive the services they need to facilitate their development and increase their participation in society.


MCA Mexico’s Canadian Angels Foundation is a registered Canadian charity .

Business number 795208800 RR 0001